Swallowing Stones was is one of my favorite books we have read all year. It taught a good lesson throughout the book that you can apply to your own life. Michael built lies on top of lies, and this can teach us to just simply not lie. The truth will come out eventually, so you might as well tell it to begin with and not end up like Michael. If you are going to lie don’t get your friends involved. Michael made his friends lie for him to protect himself, but he was only making things worse.

Everyone saw Amy as easy or rude. No one would talk to her, because they heard bad things about her. This can teach us not to judge others without even getting to know them. When Michael and Jenna got to know Amy they were surprised, because she is not anything like others say about her.

Jenna’s character hid her feelings and would not let herself be sad. She finally accepted it is okay to grief and feel sad. This can teach us things get better in life. It is okay to feel sad sometimes. Just don’t let that sometimes be all the time. Jenna let herself move on and forgive Michael.

Michael at the end did the right thing. He confessed what he did, and Jenna was okay at the end. Although, the ending was bad to me. I liked it, but I wish it would have told what happened to Michael. Did he go to jail? Did he end up turning himself in? Or did Jenna tell the police?