“I will never leave you or forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5 These words from Jesus are a reminder that he is my helper, my protection, and he will always be with me. I admire Jesus because he loves me even when I don’t deserve his love, and he protects me from danger.

He loves me. However, he loves me so much he gave his life for me. Fortunately, I’m going to live for him because he died for me.

He protects me. Sometimes I get tied up in the evil of this world, and Jesus is always there to protect me. Most important, he died for me, so I could be set free. Never forget that Jesus is always there to protect you. Or consider he simply protects you by giving you food and shelter. So I thank him for keeping me safe.

If I never met Jesus then I would be living an absolutely different life. Ever since I met Jesus my life a has been different than my past, and I know he has amazing plans for my future.